Create Creates a Basic Campaign. Request POST Request Body { "availablePositions": integer, "categoryId": string, "internationalZone": { "id": string, "excludedCountries": [ string ] }, "targetedZone": { "id": string, "targetedCountries": [ string ] }, "speed": integer, "internalTemplate": { "id": string, "adminInstructions": string, "numberOfSubTasks": integer, "ratingMethodId": integer, "displaySubTasksOnSamePage": boolean, "allowedFileTypes": [ string ], "numberOfFileProofs": integer }, "externalTemplate": { "url": string, "height": string, "width": string, "parameters": [ string ], "timeToWaitAfterSlotExpiration": integer }, "minutesToFinish": integer, "title": string, "qtRequired": boolean, "description": string, "paymentPerTask": float, "maximumJobLimit": { "enabled": boolean, "limitPerDay": integer }, "autoSkipTask": { "enabled": boolean, "timeLimit": integer }, "ttr": integer, "taskOrder": integer, "tasks": [ { "id": string, "data": [ { "key": string, "value": string } ], "testCases": [ { "questionId": string, "answers": [ string ] } ] } ], "notificationSettings": [ { "url": string, "type": string, "notificationTypes": [ string ] } ], "visibilityDelay": integer } BasicCampaignPostRequest Property Type Description availablePositions integer How many initial positions Campaign has. categoryId string The ID of Sub-Category which best match to your Task requirements. internationalZone InternationalZoneRequest International zone settings. internationalZone cannot be used together with targetedZone. targetedZone TargetedZoneRequest Targeted zone settings. targetedZone cannot be used together with internationalZone. speed integer Value from 1 to 1000. (1 - Slowest, 1000 – Fastest). internalTemplate InternalTemplateRequest Internal Template Campaign settings. internalTemplate cannot be used together with externalTemplate. externalTemplate ExternalTemplateRequest External Template Campaign settings. externalTemplate cannot be used together with internalTemplate minutesToFinish integer Allocated time in minutes to complete position. title string The title of Campaign. qtRequired boolean If set to true, only workers who passed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 will be able to work on Tasks from this Campaign. description string Campaign description which will be shown to worker on accept/start Task page. paymentPerTask float How much money worker will earn in American $ for Satisfied Task. maximumJobLimit MaximumJobLimitRequest Max Positions per Day settings. 2 autoSkipTask AutoSkipTaskRequest Auto-skip position settings. ttr integer Limit in days allocated to Employer to rate submitted Task. If Task wasn’t rated on time – it will be automatically rated as Satisfied. taskOrder integer Order in which Tasks will be assigned to workers. 3 1 – Random 2 – Ascending order Required, if Campaign utilize unique positions. tasks array[TaskDataRowRequest] A list of Tasks details. Required, if Campaign utilize unique positions. notificationSettings array[AmazonSqsNotificationSettingRequest] A list of notifications settings. visibilityDelay integer The number of seconds to wait after adding new position/s, before making it available to the Workers. Default: 0 (No Delay). Maximum: 3600. InternationalZoneRequest Property Type Description id string The ID of International zone. Fixed value: int. excludedCountries array[string] The list of excluded country codes. Up to 10 country codes may be excluded. TargetedZoneRequest Property Type Description id string The ID of Targeted zone. targetedCountries array[string] The list of targeted country codes. inline-warning: At least 1 country code must be provided. InternalTemplateRequest Property Type Description id string The ID of Internal Template. adminInstructions string Instructions to Microworkers staff how to review/rate Tasks. Required if ratingMethodId is 1 or 2. If ratingMethodId is 3 – must be omitted. numberOfSubTasks integer Number of Tasks each position has. Required, if Campaign utilize unique Tasks, in other cases – it must be absent. ratingMethodId integer 1 - Admin Rate 2 - Admin Review & Employer Rate 3 - Employer Rate Only. 4 displaySubTasksOnSamePage boolean Display Spreadsheet 5 sub-tasks on same page flag. Required, If Template has Spreadsheet, in all other cases must be absent. allowedFileTypes array[string] A list of allowed file extensions. numberOfFileProofs integer Allowed value: 1. ExternalTemplateRequest Property Type Description url string URL of Task details page which will be displayed in iframe. Required, if Campaign doesn’t utilize unique positions. height string Iframe height. Required, if Campaign doesn’t utilize unique positions. width string Iframe width. Required, if Campaign doesn’t utilize unique positions. parameters array[string] A list of parameters you wish to store on submission to Callback URL 6 . timeToWaitAfterSlotExpiration integer How many minutes to wait to release lock from the Slot with expired lock. MaximumJobLimitRequest Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which controls if maximum positions per day is turned on. limitPerDay integer Maximum number of positions which may be completed on daily basis. If maximum number reached - Campaign automatically became paused and will be resumed at 00:00:00 CDT. Required if maximum positions per day is turned on. AutoSkipTaskRequest Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which controls If auto-skip position is turned on. timeLimit integer If browser didn’t refresh the session within allocated time in seconds – position will be auto-skipped. Required if auto-skip position flag is turned on. TaskDataRowRequest Property Type Description id string The ID of Task. If present - value must be unique and contain alpha-numeric characters only. If it’s omitted - system will generate random value data array[KeyValueRequest] The list of key/value objects. testCases array[TestCaseRequest] The list of expected Answers for Questions. AmazonSqsNotificationSettingRequest Property Type Description url string Amazon SQS Queue URL type string Notification settings type. Fixed value: sqs. notificationTypes array[string] List of turned on Notification Types. KeyValueRequest Property Type Description key string Key value string Value TestCaseRequest Property Type Description questionId string The ID of Question. answers array[string] The list of expected Answers. Notification Types Notification Type CampaignApproved CampaignPausedByAdmin CampaignRunning SlotNotSatisfied SlotSubmitted CampaignBlocked CampaignPausedBySystem CampaignSubmitted SlotReadyForRating TaskGroupCreated CampaignCanceled CampaignRejected SlotCreated SlotRemoved CampaignCreated CampaignRestartApproved SlotLocked SlotRevised CampaignFinished CampaignRestartRejected SlotLockExpired SlotReviseRequested CampaignPaused CampaignRestartRequested SlotLockReleased SlotSatisfied Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 202 Accepted (OK) 400 Validation Failed 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Response HTTP Headers On successful response API returns "queue-job-id" header. Examples Internal Template - fixed task details Settings: Fixed Task details. 30 initial positions. SEO & Web Traffic Category. Visit 1x Sub-Category. International zone without any country exclusions. Maximum speed. I want to rate Tasks ASAP. (Employer rate) 4 5 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Allow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.10 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 2 days. { "availablePositions": 30, "categoryId": "1000", "internationalZone": { "id": "int" }, "speed": 1000, "internalTemplate": { "id": "T550bd781e36b5", "ratingMethodId": 3 }, "minutesToFinish": 5, "title": "Search website in Google", "qtRequired": false, "description": "Lorem ipsum ac eleifend justo quis blandit congue aliquam, porta himenaeos mattis adipiscing vestibulum tincidunt diam conubia, tellus ut proin luctus viverra nisi turpis felis semper pellentesque sapien praesent netus.", "paymentPerTask": 0.1, "ttr": 2 } Internal Template - unique task details Settings: Unique Task details. 30 initial positions. Data Transcription Category. Audio Transcription Sub-Category. International zone with exclusions. Workers from USA and Canada are not allowed to take position. Maximum speed. I want Microworkers Staff to review positions before they will come to me for rating (Admin review, Employer rate) 4 Each position has 1 Task. 30 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Disallow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.50 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 5 days. Tasks will be allocated to Workers in ascending order. 3 { "availablePositions": 30, "categoryId": "0720", "internationalZone": { "id": "int", "excludedCountries": [ "us", "ca" ] }, "speed": 1000, "internalTemplate": { "id": "T58b74ba469d61", "ratingMethodId": 2, "adminInstructions": "Review completed tasks carefully and rejects these which don't match.", "numberOfSubTasks": 1 }, "minutesToFinish": 30, "title": "Audio Transcription", "qtRequired": true, "description": "You need to transcript 5 minutes length audio file.", "paymentPerTask": 0.5, "ttr": 5, "taskOrder": 2, "tasks": [ { "id": "1", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "2", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "3", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "4", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "5", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "6", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "7", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "8", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "9", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "10", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "11", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "12", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "13", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "14", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "15", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "16", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "17", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "18", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "19", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "20", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "21", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "22", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "23", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "24", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "25", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "26", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "27", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "28", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "29", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "30", "data": [ { "key": "audio", "value": "" } ] } ] } Internal Template - File proof with file type restrictions Settings: Fixed Task details. 30 initial positions. SEO & Web Traffic Category. Visit 1x Sub-Category. Latin America zone. Workers from Argentina and Brazil are allowed only. Average speed. I don't have time to rate positions and would like to assign this to Microworkers Staff. (Admin rate) 4 Worker must upload a screenshot. File types allowed: JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and PNG. 5 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Allow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.15 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 1 day. { "availablePositions": 30, "categoryId": "1000", "targetedZone": { "id": "caribbean1", "targetedCountries": [ "ar", "br" ] }, "speed": 500, "internalTemplate": { "id": "T550bd781e36b5", "ratingMethodId": 1, "adminInstructions": "Company logo must be present on the screenshot provided by Worker.", "allowedFileTypes": [ "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "tiff", "png" ], "numberOfFileProofs": 1 }, "minutesToFinish": 5, "title": "Search website in Google", "qtRequired": false, "description": "Lorem ipsum ac eleifend justo quis blandit congue aliquam, porta himenaeos mattis adipiscing vestibulum tincidunt diam conubia, tellus ut proin luctus viverra nisi turpis felis semper pellentesque sapien praesent netus.", "paymentPerTask": 0.15, "ttr": 1 } Internal Template (Spreadsheet) 5 Settings: Unique Task details. 45 initial positions. Data Collection/Mining/Extraction/AI Training Category. Other Data Extraction/Collection Tasks Sub-Category. International zone without exclusions. Maximum speed. I want to rate positions myself. (Employer rate) 4 Every position has 2 Tasks which should be displayed in Spreadsheet 5 on same page. 5 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Allow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.05 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 1 day. Tasks will be allocated to Workers in random order. 3 { "availablePositions": 45, "categoryId": "0940", "internationalZone": { "id": "int" }, "speed": 1000, "internalTemplate": { "id": "T56b259b765593", "ratingMethodId": 3, "displaySubTasksOnSamePage": true, "numberOfSubTasks": 2 }, "minutesToFinish": 5, "title": "Identify the industry or sector of businesses", "qtRequired": false, "description": "Lorem ipsum ac eleifend justo quis blandit congue aliquam, porta himenaeos mattis adipiscing vestibulum tincidunt diam conubia, tellus ut proin luctus viverra nisi turpis felis semper pellentesque sapien praesent netus.", "paymentPerTask": 0.05, "ttr": 1, "taskOrder": 1, "tasks": [ { "id": "1", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/corporis-nobis-ut-hic-quidem.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Effertz PLC" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Sidney Swaniawski" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "2", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/et-ullam-est-quos-sit-rem.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Sawayn-Tremblay" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Manuel Ortiz" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "3", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/temporibus-facere-ducimus-repudiandae-possimus-voluptate-aut-tempora-provident.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Marvin, Schmidt and Osinski" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Darion Hand Sr." }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "4", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/iusto-eum-optio-consequatur-aperiam.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Kuhn-Toy" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Dakota Windler" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "5", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/est-et-dolorem-placeat-debitis-non" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Gorczany-Von" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Jason Ledner" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "6", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Dibbert-Herzog" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Yoshiko Kulas PhD" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "7", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/velit-maiores-rerum-nostrum-in-eligendi" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Ondricka-Gutmann" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Kirsten Hodkiewicz" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "8", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/amet-quo-debitis-voluptas-doloribus-pariatur" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Hammes, Hegmann and Nitzsche" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Dewitt Mann V" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "9", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/sunt-cum-dolorum-aut-rerum-harum-rem-est" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Walker, Bins and Mann" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Dr. Dion Mohr" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "10", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/voluptate-quisquam-et-aut-natus" }, { "key": "name", "value": "McKenzie-Howell" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Prof. Mollie Ryan II" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "11", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/fugiat-assumenda-voluptatibus-facilis-minima-quia.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Macejkovic Group" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Miss Grace Anderson V" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "12", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/quisquam-blanditiis-consequatur-velit-cum-perferendis-autem-aliquam-magni.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Champlin and Sons" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Edna Schmeler" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "13", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/iste-quidem-nulla-aspernatur-asperiores-quas-quae-ut" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Hudson, Johns and Koepp" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Hardy Adams V" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "14", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/eos-fugit-nostrum-aliquid-distinctio-recusandae-non-vero" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Wilkinson Group" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Tanner Marks" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "15", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/aperiam-et-officiis-cum-facilis-est-nobis-quia" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Berge-Goyette" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Ms. Aylin Champlin V" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "16", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Bins-Rowe" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Prof. Zoila McCullough Jr." }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "17", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/nemo-totam-laboriosam-aut-illum-voluptatem-officiis-voluptas-facilis" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Barton-Wunsch" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Toby Champlin" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "18", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/rerum-at-laborum-natus-qui-ab" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Bednar, Krajcik and Quigley" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Prof. Ernest Kessler" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "19", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/atque-aut-molestiae-et-laudantium-voluptatem-dolore-dolor-dicta" }, { "key": "name", "value": "West-Cartwright" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Dr. Alexandra Goldner III" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "20", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/voluptatem-quam-minima-beatae-esse-officia-sint-alias" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Altenwerth-Ankunding" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Larissa Hammes" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "21", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/aliquid-laudantium-excepturi-reiciendis-explicabo-assumenda-blanditiis" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Romaguera Inc" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Jovany Waters" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "22", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/et-et-autem-rerum-illum" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Kovacek-Shanahan" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Luigi Mueller" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "23", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/perferendis-enim-error-hic-rerum-non-enim-incidunt-sunt" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Runolfsdottir-Jaskolski" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Nathaniel Pfeffer" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "24", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Kihn and Sons" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Kelton Schuppe" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "25", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/quia-ex-modi-officia-reprehenderit-ut.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Klocko and Sons" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Miss Rebeka Haley I" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "26", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Greenholt Ltd" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Reva Jacobi" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "27", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/hic-et-aliquid-ex-repellat-labore-voluptatem-et-id" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Zemlak, Treutel and Pouros" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Jeanie Grady" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "28", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/quia-qui-maxime-perferendis-voluptatem-commodi-voluptatem" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Harvey-Lind" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Johnson DuBuque PhD" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "29", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/iusto-laborum-voluptas-nisi-quis-omnis-laborum" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Reinger PLC" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Prof. Eda Witting Sr." }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "30", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "https:\/\/\/quis-voluptates-et-architecto-quasi-facilis-sequi-necessitatibus.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Towne, Dare and Mertz" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Desmond Gutmann" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "31", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/maiores-deserunt-architecto-corrupti-vitae-dignissimos-iusto-ipsam.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Olson Ltd" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Meggie Smitham PhD" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "32", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/consectetur-ea-dolor-veritatis-animi-inventore-reiciendis-omnis.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Denesik Inc" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Alf Zieme" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "33", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Pfeffer, Mante and Wyman" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Clifton Gerlach" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "34", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/qui-id-qui-nemo.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "Keebler-Berge" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Taylor Wunsch V" }, { "key": "employees_email", "value": "" } ] }, { "id": "35", "data": [ { "key": "website", "value": "http:\/\/\/dicta-facere-in-ut-neque-autem-exercitationem-suscipit.html" }, { "key": "name", "value": "West-Labadie" }, { "key": "employees_name", "value": "Adan Dicki" }, { "key": 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My Task details page doesn't return X-Frame-Options DENY or SAMEORIGIN HTTP header. Task details page will post data back to Microworkers 6. I want to store contact_email parameter value on Microworkers side. 5 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Allow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.10 for satisfied position. 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Disallow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.50 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 5 days. Tasks will be allocated to Workers in ascending order. 3 I have a website where I prepared Task details page. My website uses HTTPS protocol. My Task details page doesn't return X-Frame-Options DENY or SAMEORIGIN HTTP header. Task details page will post data back to Microworkers 6. 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SEO & Web Traffic Category. Visit 1x Sub-Category. International zone without any country exclusions. Maximum speed. I have a website where I prepared Task details page. My website uses HTTPS protocol. My Task details page doesn't return X-Frame-Options DENY or SAMEORIGIN HTTP header. Task details page will post data back to Microworkers 6. I want to store contact_email parameter value on Microworkers side. 5 minutes allowed for Worker to complete the position. Allow Workers who failed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 to take position in this Campaign. Worker base earning $0.10 for satisfied position. Allocated time to rate position - 1 day. I want to be notified via Amazon SQS on any Slot status change. I configured Queue and granted SendMessage permission to arn:aws:iam::017419115111:user/akanunov. { "availablePositions": 30, "categoryId": "1000", "internationalZone": { "id": "int" }, "speed": 1000, "externalTemplate": { "url": "{{CAMP_ID}}?worker_id={{MW_ID}}", "height": "500px", "width": "100%", "parameters": [ "contact_email" ] }, "minutesToFinish": 5, "title": "Find contact email on website", "qtRequired": false, "description": "Lorem ipsum ac eleifend justo quis blandit congue aliquam, porta himenaeos mattis adipiscing vestibulum tincidunt diam conubia, tellus ut proin luctus viverra nisi turpis felis semper pellentesque sapien praesent netus.", "paymentPerTask": 0.1, "ttr": 1, "notificationSettings": [ { "url": "", "type": "sqs", "notificationTypes": [ "SlotReadyForRating", "SlotRemoved", "SlotLocked", "SlotRevised", "SlotLockExpired", "SlotReviseRequested", "SlotLockReleased", "SlotSatisfied" ] } ] } [1] “QT Optional” Feature Microworkers Blog . [2] Max Positions per Day Microworkers Blog . [3] Display Tasks in Random, Collect Organized Results Microworkers Blog . [4] Checking and Rating Submitted Tasks on TTV Microworkers Blog . [5] Default Spreadsheet Templates Microworkers Blog . [6] Submit Proof URL For External Template Campaign .