Get Gets information about Basic Campaign. Request GET{campaignId} Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description campaignId string The ID of Campaign. Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 200 BasicCampaignInfoResponse OK 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Response Body { "geoZone": { "id": string, "countries": [ { "code": string, "name": string } ], "name": string }, "categoryId": string, "speed": integer, "id": string, "autoSkipTask": { "enabled": boolean, "timeLimit": integer }, "title": string, "description": string, "ttr": integer, "availablePositions": integer, "blockedReason": string, "status": string, "created": datetime, "blocked": datetime, "approved": datetime, "finished": datetime, "htmlCode": string, "minutesToFinish": integer, "paymentPerTask": float, "variables": [ string ], "questions": [ { "id": string, "name": string, "required": boolean, "tag": string } ], "jobQueues": { "csvUploadJob": { "status": string, "output": string }, "restartCampaignJob": { "status": string, "output": string }, "addPositionJob": { "status": string, "output": string } }, "qtRequired": boolean, "internalTemplate": { "adminInstructions": string, "numberOfSubTasks": integer, "displaySubTasksOnSamePage": boolean, "ratingMethodId": integer, "id": string, "numberOfFileProofs": integer, "allowedFileTypes": [ string ] }, "externalTemplate": { "url": string, "height": string, "width": string, "parameters": [ string ] }, "maximumJobLimit": { "enabled": boolean, "limitPerDay": integer }, "slotsCount": { "locked": integer, "unTaken": integer, "ok": integer, "nok": integer, "notRated": integer, "notReviewed": integer, "revise": integer, "reviseAdmin": integer }, "notificationSettings": [ { "url": string, "type": string, "notificationTypes": [ string ] } ], "visibilityDelay": integer, "estimateCost": float, "jsSection": string, "cssSection": string } BasicCampaignInfoResponse Property Type Description geoZone GeoZoneItemResponse Geo Zone settings. categoryId string The ID of Sub-Category. speed integer Campaign’s speed. id string The ID of Campaign. autoSkipTask AutoSkipTaskResponse Auto-skip position settings. title string Campaign Title. description string Description which is shown to workers on accept/start Task page. ttr integer Allocated time (in days) to rate submitted Task. availablePositions integer Total number of positions Campaign has. blockedReason string The reason why Campaign was blocked. status string Status. created datetime The date when Campaign was created. blocked datetime The date when Campaign was blocked. approved datetime The date when Campaign was approved. finished datetime The date when Campaign was finished or stopped manually. htmlCode string Task details Template HTML source. minutesToFinish integer Allocated time in minutes to complete the Task. paymentPerTask float How much money worker will earn in American $ for Satisfied Task. variables array[string] A list of variables used in Task details. questions array[QuestionInfoResponse] A list of Questions used in Task details. jobQueues JobQueueResponse Campaign queue jobs. qtRequired boolean Workers who passed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 1 allowed only. internalTemplate InternalTemplateResponse Internal Template Campaign settings. externalTemplate ExternalTemplateResponse External Template Campaign settings. maximumJobLimit MaximumJobLimitResponse Maximum positions per day settings. 2 slotsCount CampaignSlotsCountResponse Slots stats. notificationSettings array[AmazonSqsNotificationSettingResponse] Queue notification settings. visibilityDelay integer The number of seconds to wait after adding new position/s, before making it available to the Workers. 0 - No Delay. estimateCost float Estimated campaign cost. jsSection string Task details Template JS section. cssSection string Task details Template CSS section. GeoZoneItemResponse Property Type Description id string The ID of Geo Zone. name string Geo Zone name. countries array[CountryItemResponse] The list of countries. CountryItemResponse Property Type Description code string Country code. name string Country name. AutoSkipTaskResponse Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which controls If auto-skip position is turned on. timeLimit integer Number of seconds allowed for browser to refresh the session before position will be auto-skipped. QuestionInfoResponse Property Type Description id string The ID of Question. name string Question Name. required boolean Answer to this Question is mandatory. tag string Tag. InternalTemplateResponse Property Type Description id string The ID of Template (Internal). adminInstructions string Review/rate Tasks Instructions for Microworkers staff. numberOfSubTasks integer Number of Tasks per position. displaySubTasksOnSamePage boolean Display Spreadsheet 3 sub-tasks on same page flag. ratingMethodId integer 1 – Admin rate 2 – Admin Review & Employer Rate 3 – Employer rate 4 numberOfFileProofs integer Number of files Worker must upload. allowedFileTypes array[string] A list of allowed file extensions. ExternalTemplateResponse Property Type Description url string Iframe URL. height string Iframe height. width string Iframe width. parameters array[string] A white list of input names. CampaignSlotsCountResponse Property Type Description locked integer Number of slots locked and not yet submitted by Workers. unTaken integer Number of free slots which are not yet locked by any Worker. ok integer Number of Satisfied slots. nok integer Number of Not Satisfied slots. notRated integer Number of slots waiting for Employer’s rate. notReviewed integer Number of slots waiting for Admin’s review. revise integer Number of taken slots which were sent back to Workers for revise. reviseAdmin integer Number of taken slots which were sent back to Workers for revise by Admin. MaximumJobLimitResponse Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which shows if maximum positions per day is turned on. limitPerDay integer Maximum number of positions which may be completed on daily basis. JobQueueResponse Property Type Description csvUploadJob JobQueueInfoResponse Tasks upload job. restartCampaignJob JobQueueInfoResponse Restart Campaign job. addPositionJob JobQueueInfoResponse Add positions to Campaign job. JobQueueInfoResponse Property Type Description status string Queue job status. output string Output produced by job. AmazonSqsNotificationSettingResponse Property Type Description url string Amazon SQS Queue URL. type string Notification settings type. notificationTypes array[string] List of turned on notification types. [1] “QT Optional” Feature Microworkers Blog . [2] Max Positions per Day Microworkers Blog . [3] Default Spreadsheet Templates Microworkers Blog . [4] Checking and Rating Submitted Tasks on TTV Microworkers Blog .