Update Updates an existing Basic Campaign. Request PATCH https://ttv.microworkers.com/api/v2/basic-campaigns/{campaignId} Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description campaignId string The ID of Campaign. Request Body { "autoRateNokTask": boolean, "autoRateOkTask": boolean, "autoRefillPositions": boolean, "qtRequired": boolean, "successRate": integer, "maximumJobLimit": { "enabled": boolean, "limitPerDay": integer }, "autoSkipTask": { "enabled": boolean, "timeLimit": integer }, "ttr": integer, "notificationSettings": [ { "url": string, "type": string, "notificationTypes": [ string ] } ], "speed": integer, "timeToWaitAfterSlotExpiration": integer, "visibilityDelay": integer } BasicCampaignPatchRequest Property Type Description autoRateNokTask boolean Rate position as not Satisfied automatically if calculated score is less than minimum success score. 1 2 autoRateOkTask boolean Rate position as Satisfied automatically if calculated score is above or equal to minimum success score. 1 2 autoRefillPositions boolean Auto-add positions to Campaign. qtRequired boolean Workers with passed Microworkers Qualification/Admission test 3 only allowed. successRate integer Minimum success score. Value of this property used when autoRateNokTask or/and autoRateOkTask are turned on. 1 2 speed integer Value from 1 to 1000. (1 - Slowest, 1000 - Fastest). maximumJobLimit MaximumJobLimitRequest Maximum positions per day settings. 4 ttr integer Allocated time (in days) to rate submitted Task. Value should be in range 1 – 30. notificationSettings array[AmazonSqsNotificationSettingRequest] Queue notification settings. autoSkipTask AutoSkipTaskRequest Auto-skip position settings. timeToWaitAfterSlotExpiration integer Number of seconds to keep slot locked after lock expiration. visibilityDelay integer The number of seconds to wait after adding new position/s, before making it available to the Workers. 0 - No Delay. Maximum: 3600. MaximumJobLimitRequest Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which controls if maximum positions per day is turned on. limitPerDay integer Maximum number of positions which may be completed on daily basis. If maximum number reached - Campaign automatically became paused and will be resumed at 00:00:00 CDT. Required if maximum positions per day is turned on. AmazonSqsNotificationSettingRequest Property Type Description url string Amazon SQS Queue URL type string Notification settings type. Fixed value: sqs. notificationTypes array[string] List of turned on Notification Types. AutoSkipTaskRequest Property Type Description enabled boolean Flag which controls If auto-skip position is turned on. timeLimit integer If browser didn’t refresh the session within allocated time in seconds – position will be auto-skipped. Required if auto-skip position flag is turned on. Notification Types Notification Type CampaignApproved CampaignPausedByAdmin CampaignRunning SlotNotSatisfied SlotSubmitted CampaignBlocked CampaignPausedBySystem CampaignSubmitted SlotReadyForRating TaskGroupCreated CampaignCanceled CampaignRejected SlotCreated SlotRemoved CampaignCreated CampaignRestartApproved SlotLocked SlotRevised CampaignFinished CampaignRestartRejected SlotLockExpired SlotReviseRequested CampaignPaused CampaignRestartRequested SlotLockReleased SlotSatisfied Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 204 No Content (OK) 400 Validation Failed 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found [1] Added Feature in Auto Rate Tasks Microworkers Blog . [2] Applying Auto Rate Feature Microworkers Blog . [3] “QT Optional” Feature Microworkers Blog . [4] Max Positions per Day Microworkers Blog .