List List all Basic Campaign Tasks. Request GET{campaignId}/tasks Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description campaignId string The ID of Campaign. Query Parameters Name Type Description pageSize integer The maximum number of Tasks to include in the response, used for paging. Default: 10. sort string Results may be sorted by: id. Default: id. nextPageToken string The pagination token used to get the next page of results, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken" from the previous response. Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 200 TaskListResponse OK 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Response Body { "items": [ { "id": string, "data": [ { "key": string, "value": string } ], "testCases": [ { "questionId": string, "answers": [ string ] } ], "published": boolean } ], "perPage": integer, "nextPageToken": string } TaskListResponse Property Type Description items array[TaskInformationResponse] List of Tasks. nextPageToken string The pagination token of next page of results. perPage integer The number of items per page.