Create Creates a Hire Group Campaign's Tasks Group. Request POST{campaignId}/tasks-groups Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description campaignId string The ID of Campaign. Request Body { "tasks": [ { "id": string, "data": [ { "key": string, "value": string } ], "testCases": [ { "questionId": string, "answers": [ string ] } ] } ], "positionsToAdd": integer } AddTasksGroupsRequest Property Type Description tasks array[TaskDataRowRequest] Tasks list. Required if campaign utilize unique task details. positionsToAdd integer Number of positions you would like to add to Campaign. Required if campaign utilize fixed task details and maxPositionPerWorker is not equal to 1. TaskDataRowRequest Property Type Description id string The ID of Task. If present - value must be unique and contain alpha-numeric characters only. If it’s omitted - system will generate random value data array[KeyValueRequest] The list of key/value objects. testCases array[TestCaseRequest] The list of expected Answers for Questions. KeyValueRequest Property Type Description key string Key value string Value TestCaseRequest Property Type Description questionId string The ID of Question. answers array[string] The list of expected Answers. Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 202 Accepted (OK) 400 Validation Failed 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Response HTTP Headers On successful response API returns "queue-job-id" header. Examples Fixed task details (worker allowed to take 1 position) Warning: With such setup campaign has 1 Task Group only. If you want to add positions to it, use Update . Fixed task details (worker allowed to take more than 1 position) Settings: Fixed Task details. Worker allowed to take up to 5 positions (maxPositionPerWorker is 5). You would like to create 10 Tasks Groups. Request body { "positionsToAdd": 10 } Unique task details Settings: Unique Task details. Task details template contains variable: url. You would like to add 3 Tasks Groups to it. 1st and 2nd tasks have custom IDs. 3rd task doesn't have custom ID, so it will be automatically generated by system. 1st task has test case answers. Worker's answers will be compared with test case answers. Request body { "tasks": [ { "id": "1", "data": [ { "key": "url", "value": "" } ], "testCases": [ { "questionId": "Q123456789", "answers": [ "404", "page not found" ] } ] }, { "id": "2", "data": [ { "key": "url", "value": "" } ] }, { "data": [ { "key": "url", "value": "" } ] } ] } Unique task details (campaign with sub-tasks) Settings: Unique Task details. Task details template contains variables: first_name and last_name. Every Tasks Group has 2 Tasks. You would like to add 3 Tasks Groups to campaign. All tasks have custom ids. Request body { "tasks": [ { "id": "1", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Michael" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Hildebrant" } ] }, { "id": "2", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Hannah" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Ornelas" } ] }, { "id": "3", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Judy" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Stoker" } ] }, { "id": "4", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Richard" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Williams" } ] }, { "id": "5", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Judy" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Williams" } ] }, { "id": "6", "data": [ { "key": "first_name", "value": "Hannah" }, { "key": "last_name", "value": "Williams" } ] } ] }