Update Updates an existing Hire Group Campaign's Tasks Group. Request PATCH https://ttv.microworkers.com/api/v2/hire-group-campaigns/{campaignId}/tasks-groups/{tasksGroupId} Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description campaignId string The ID of Campaign. tasksGroupId string The ID of Tasks Group. Request Body { "availableSlots": integer, "skippedWorkerIds": [ string ] } PatchTaskGroupRequest Property Type Description availableSlots integer Number of Slots available. skippedWorkerIds array[string] Array of Worker IDs. There are 3 ways how Worker can get into this list: Worker clicked Skip Task button on task details page. Worker accepted/locked Slot and didn’t submit proof in time (lock is expired). You can add Worker to this list if you want to exclude Worker from some specific Task Group. Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 202 Accepted (OK) 400 Validation Failed 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Response HTTP Headers On successful response API returns "queue-job-id" header (if "availableSlots" has been changed).