Rate Rate unrated Slot. Request PUT https://ttv.microworkers.com/api/v2/slots/{slotId}/rate Parameters Path Parameter Name Type Description slotId string The ID of Slot. Request Body { "comment": string, "rating": string, "bonus": float, "taskScores": [ { "taskId": string, "questionsScores": [ { "questionId": string, "score": integer } ] } ] } RateSlotRequest Property Type Description rating string Rating for unrated Slot. Required, if Campaign is not Qualification Test. 1 OK – Satisfied NOK – Not Satisfied REVISE – Revise required. comment string Comment to Worker. Required, if Rating is NOK or REVISE. bonus float Bonus amount for Satisfied Slot. Value is in American $ and should be in range 10% to 200% of position cost. For example, if position cost is $0.10 - bonus amount must be in range from $0.01 to $0.20. taskScores array[TasksScoreRequest] List of Tasks scores. 1 Required, if Campaign is Qualification Test, in all other cases must be omitted. TasksScoreRequest Property Type Description taskId string The ID of Task. questionsScores array[QuestionsScoreRequest] List of scores for Worker’s Answer to Questions. QuestionsScoreRequest Property Type Description questionId string Question ID. score integer Score for Worker’s Answer. Value in range 0 to 5. Response Response HTTP Codes Http Code Response Type Description 204 No Content (OK) 400 Validation Failed 401 Unauthorized 403 Access denied 404 Not found Examples Rate slot as Satisfied To rate slot as Satisfied in it's just enough to provide a rating as "OK", like in example below. { "rating": "OK" } Rate slot as Satisfied and give bonus When you rate slot as Satisfied you may optionally provide a comment to Worker and/or give a bonus . Bonus amount is value in American $. In example below we rate slot as Satisfied and give "$0.15" bonus to Worker. { "rating": "OK", "bonus": 0.15, "comment": "Good job!" } Rate slot as Not Satisfied If you are not Satisfied with submitted proof, you must provide a comment what the problem was and rating as "NOK", like in example below. { "rating": "NOK", "comment": "You failed, because you didn't follow instructions." } Rate slot as Revise If you are partially not Satisfied with submitted proof and want to give Worker another chance, you can rate slot as Revise. You must provide explanations to Worker how to revise proof in comment . rating value should be "REVISE", like in example below. Note that once you allow a Worker to revise a slot, you may only be able to provide a new rating once the revised slot is resubmitted (maximum 48 hours). { "rating": "REVISE", "comment": "You have to provide both website title and URL where you have found matching product." } Rate slot in Qualification Test Campaign 1 To rate a slot in Qualification Test Campaign [1] you have to provide scores to Worker's answers. { "taskScores": [ { "taskId": "1", "questionsScores": [ { "questionId": "Q56ac304a3cf1a", "score": 5 }, { "questionId": "Q56ac304a3cf1b", "score": 4 }, { "questionId": "Q56ac304a3cf1c", "score": 0 } ] } ] } [1] Microworkers Things-To-Know: Qualification Tests Microworkers Blog .